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Create your own Device


On this documentation page, code blocks can contain helpful annotations in form of a circular plus symbol:

# try clicking the (+) symbol! (1)

  1. This dialog contains additional information about the code.

If you have an idea for a new Device, you can use this page as a reference. Additionally, reading the source code of already implemented Device can be helpful for you.

Tkinter Reference

This project uses tkinter for the frontend. Here are some references for tkinter components:

Creating the view class

class DeviceLampView(DeviceBaseView): # (1)

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        self.l_device.config(text="Lamp", background=self.actuator_color)
        # add Labels to show data (2)
        self.l_power = tk.Label(self, text="Current Status:")
        self.l_power.grid(row=self.row_offset, column=0, sticky=tk.W) # (3)
        self.l_valpower = tk.Label(self, text="POWER_STATUS")
        self.l_valpower.grid(row=self.row_offset, column=1, sticky=tk.W)

    def set_state(self, state: dict): # (4)
        super().set_state(state) # (5)
        if state["power"]: # (6)
            self.l_valpower.config(text="Turned ON", background="green")
            self.l_valpower.config(text="Turned OFF", background="red")
  1. All View classes for Devices inherit from DeviceBaseView. DeviceBaseView inherits from tkinter.Frame, which represents a container, similar to <div> in HTML.
  2. The Lamp View uses tkinter Labels to show its current status. They are aligned inside the Frame with .grid().
  3. Because there are already multiple rows added by DeviceBaseView, use self.row_offset to use the next free row. Specify the column of the Label with the column argument.
  4. set_state is called when the Device Controller sets a new state for the view. Based on the contents of the state, the view decides how to represent the information.
  5. Before handling the Device-specific view, set_state of the parent class should be called for general view handling.
  6. The state is passed as a dict with key-value-pairs. In this example, the text is set to different texts based on the boolean-value of "power".

When you create a new View class for a Device, you can use the DeviceBaseView class as a parent.

Implementing the data generator

You can skip this step if you want to create an Actuator Device.

If you want to generate different data for a Sensor Device, you need to implement a generator first. The following example shows a data generator that alternates between the values "A" and "B". As the data generator has to operate independently of the Device controller / MQTT Client, GeneratorBase inherits from threading.Thread.

class CustomGenerator(GeneratorBase):
    def __init__(self, callback):
        super().__init__(callback) # (1)
        self.current_value = "A"

    def run(self):
        while not self.event.is_set(): # (2)
            self.callback({"my_value": self.current_value) # (3)
            self.event.wait(5) # (4)

    def change_value(self):
        if self.current_value == "A":
            self.current_value = "B"
            self.current_value = "A"
  1. Be sure to call the super constructor to set the callback event.
  2. This while-loop runs until the threading.Event instance is set. The event object is used to communicate to the thread that it should stop.
  3. This is used to pass data back to the Device controller.
  4. In order to stop during the waiting period, event.wait() is used instead of sleep(). When sleep() is used, the cancel condition can only be checked after the waiting period has passed. By using event.wait(), the thread can be stopped immediately.

Implementing the Device controller

Actuator Devices

As Actuator Devices don't have a generator, the controller is very simple.

class DeviceLamp(DeviceBase):

    def __init__(self, server_info: dict, home_id: str, room_id: str,
                 device_id: str):
        super().__init__(server_info, home_id, room_id, device_id) # (1)
        self.state = {"power": False} # (2)
        # Private string variables for topics
        self._power_topic = self.get_base_path() + "power"
        self._set_power_topic = self.get_base_path() + "set_power"
        self._toggle_power_topic = self.get_base_path() + "toggle_power"

    # override subscribe_controls method to subscribe to control topics
    def subscribe_controls(self):

    # override _client_message method to create
    def _client_message(self, client, userdata, msg):
        handled = super()._client_message(client, userdata, msg) # (3)
        if handled:

        payload = self._decode_payload(msg.payload) # (4)

        if msg.topic == self._toggle_power_topic:
            self.set_power(not self.state["power"])
        if msg.topic == self._set_power_topic:

    # change the state of the device
    def set_power(self, power: bool):
        if self.state["power"] is not power: # (5)
            self.mqtt_client.publish(self._power_topic, json.dumps({"power": power}))
        self._set_new_value("power", power)
  1. Be sure to call the super constructor of DeviceBase.
  2. This is the initial state of the device.
  3. Here, the _client_message method of DeviceBase is called to check for a custom on_message handler that has been set during configuration (i.e. mydevice.on_message = callback_func). If the custom callback_func already handled the message, the default _client_message method exits.
  4. The payload has to be converted from a byte array to a UTF8-String.
  5. The device only publishes a message when the state is changed. For example, when the initial state is power = False and set_power(True) is called two times, only one MQTT message is published.

Sensor Devices

Sensor devices are a bit more complicated as they have a data generator.

class DeviceClock(DeviceBase):

    def __init__(self, server_info, home_id, device_id):
        super().__init__(server_info, home_id, "", device_id) # (1)
        self.generator = ClockGenerator(self._on_new_data) # (2)
        self.state = {"time": "12:00"}

    # override get_base_path to remove the room topic.
    def get_base_path(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.home_id}/{self.device_id}/"

    def _on_new_data(self, data: dict):
        handled = super()._on_new_data(data)
        if handled:

        self.mqtt_client.publish(self.get_base_path() + "time",
                                 json.dumps({"time": data["time"]}))
        self._new_state(data) # (3)
  1. The Clock Device is a house-specific device without a room topic. Therefore, an empty string is passed for the room_id argument.
  2. The self.generator attribute is used for the generator. In the run() method of DeviceBase, self.generator is started automatically if it is not None. Additionally, the callback method for new data is set to self._on_new_data.
  3. To update the Device's state and its view, self._new_state(data) has to be called with the new data from the generator.

Further Questions

If you have further questions that haven't been answered by the previous guide pages, you can check out the sample devices found in src/smarthome/device_***.py.